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How to get HMODULE from COM GUID

I need HMODULE to call GetModuleInformation but I only know COM GUID of class that reside in dll. Is there winapi function to determine HMODULE (or dll name) knowing only GUID?

EDIT: Application running as normal user (not elevated)

If the GUID is a CLSID for a COM object, you can lookup the object's implementing EXE/DLL filename in the Windows Registry (in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{guid} subkey), or if your app is using Registration-Free COM, in the app's SxS manifest instead.

If the object is in a DLL, you can then use GetModuleHandle/Ex() if that DLL has already been loaded in your process's memory, or LoadLibrary() to load it into memory.

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