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Animated canvas error: cannot convert from void to bitmap drawable

I've animated a canvas for my project, but I get an error: 'Cannot convert from void to bitmap drawable'. Where is the fault?

BitmapDrawable circle = (BitmapDrawable) canvas.drawCircle(canvas.getWidth()/2, (float) (canvas.getHeight()/1.8), 13, black);

For the context, this is the complete excerpt of the code

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {  

        Paint black = new Paint(Color.BLACK);

        BitmapDrawable circle = (BitmapDrawable) canvas.drawCircle(canvas.getWidth()/2, (float) (canvas.getHeight()/1.8), 13, black);
        if (x<0 && y <0) {
            x = this.getWidth()/2;
            y = this.getHeight()/2;
        } else {
            x += xVelocity;
            y += yVelocity;
            if ((x > this.getWidth() - circle.getBitmap().getWidth()) || (x < 0)) {
                xVelocity = xVelocity*-1;
            if ((y > this.getHeight() - circle.getBitmap().getHeight()) || (y < 0)) {
                yVelocity = yVelocity*-1;
        canvas.drawBitmap(circle.getBitmap(), x, y, null);  

        h.postDelayed(r, FRAME_RATE);


Your Radius parameter must be a float number, try to change it to 13f

drawCircle(float cx, float cy, float radius, Paint paint)

BitmapDrawable circle = (BitmapDrawable) canvas.drawCircle(canvas.getWidth()/2, (float) (canvas.getHeight()/1.8), 13f, black);

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