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For loop not iterating over arraylist in javascript

I have an arraylist of type User which looks like:

console.log([User  [id=1, firstName= Sagar, lastName= Dafle, address= Address street 33 S, 3rd street, city San Jose, state California, zip 95113, title= Software Engineer], User  [id=2, firstName= Vikas, lastName= Dafle, address= Address street 33 S, 3rd street, city San Jose, state California, zip 95113, title= MBA]]);

Now, I wish to iterate over this list of size 2 and print the user.id and user.firstname . However, when I do so , I get the first record printed twice as:

 {1,Sagar} {1,Sagar} 

Note that the expected output is:

{1,Sagar} {2,Vikas}

My loop to iterate over the list is :

userlistlength = ${phone.userList.size()};
        console.log("userlistlength "+userlistlength); //prints 2

            document.write("User List:     \n");

            for( var counter = 0; counter < userlistlength ; counter++){
                console.log("Counter "+counter); //prints 0 and 1
                id = '${phone.userList.get(counter).id}';
                firstname = '${phone.userList.get(counter).firstname}';

Note that I receive the phone object from my spring controller as a model attribute. Any idea where am I going wrong ? Thanks a lot.

As @Bergi suggested, It is a bad practise to use script tag in JSP pages. I instead used JSP forEach loop and it worked.


<c:forEach items="${phone.userList}" var="phoneuserobj">
for( var counter = 0; counter < userlistlength ; counter++){
            console.log("Counter "+counter); //prints 0 and 1
            id = '${phone.userList.get(counter+1).id}';
            firstname = '${phone.userList.get(counter+1).firstname}';

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