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Loops though columns to create sums

Hope you can help me. I have a list of quantities such as this:


I need an autosum of everything that is above in the grey rows.

So far my code:

Dim source As Range
Dim iCol As Long
Dim nCol As Long
Dim Cell As Range

Set source = Selection

For iCol = 1 To 5

With source.Columns(iCol)

If Cell.Font.Bold = False Then
i = i + Cell.Value

Else: Cell.Value = i
i = 0

End If

End With
Next iCol

Thanks in advance!

I believe that's what you're after

Dim source As Range, col As Range, cell As Range
Dim res As Double

Set source = Selection

With source
    For Each col In .Columns
        For Each cell In col.Cells
            If cell.Font.Bold Then
                cell.Value = res
                res = 0
                res = res + cell.Value
            End If
        Next cell
    Next col
End With

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