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How do I do Maven to run tests using the features ordering?

I'm using the suite Maven + Selenium + Jenkins to run integration tests with a e-commerce application.

It happens that Maven doesn't follow the .feature files order:


The order that Maven follows is:

RunOneTest.class / 2.test_case.feature
RunTwoTest.class / 3.test_case.feature
RunThreeTest.class / 1.test_case.feature

I already tried changing the runOrder parameter in pom.xml file, no success.


I found a way to do this: eliminating the various runners , letting just one runner to execute " .feature " files.

The new structure:

|- main
|-- java
|--- com.companyname.project
|---- AnotherTestcasePO.java
|---- OtherTestcasePO.java
|---- SomeTestcasePO.java
|--- utils
|---- Project
|- test
|-- java
|--- com.companyname.project
|---- runner
|----- RunYourTest.java
|---- steps
|----- TestcaseSteps.java
|- 1-SomefeatureFirst.feature
|- 2-OtherfeatureSecond.feature
|- 3-AnotherfeatureThird.feature

In my specific project, I changed the test cases folder location to the root of project, but this doesn't affect the execution.

Reference: How to pass multiple parameter to cucumber runner file from Jenkins .

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