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add mutually exclusive data into groups from set of data

I have set of data:

offerId  : Variants
  101:     (1)
  102:     (2,3)
  103:     (4)
  104:     (1,2,5)
  105:     (3)
  106:     (4,6)

I want to offerIds in separate groups which are mutually exclusive. Like from above data, I'll get two mutually exclusive groups:

   [101,102,104,105] corresponding to [(1),(2,3),(1,2,5),(3)]

   [103, 106] corresponding to  [(4),(4,6)]

How to I achieve this, pseudocode or logic anything will be appreciated.

PS I am writing my code in GO language. But answer in any language will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You need Disjoint-set data structure. Another name - Union-find data structure.

You can see pseudocode in Wiki page, and real implementations in numerous sources. Arbitrary C# example .

In your case you'll also need to check intersection of groups (sets?). If intersection of two groups is not empty, make Union operations for these groups.

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