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Android Data Binding Null Coalescing Operator

I'm trying to use the null coalescing operator in my data binding. I have a compound drawable that I need to show one of three drawable icons, depending on if the variable is null, true, or false.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">


    <import type="android.view.View" />

        type="com.my.app.MyDataModel" />

    android:drawableRight="@{(dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) ?? @drawable/not_specified }"
    android:text="@{dataModel.text}" />

The Data Model

public class MyDataModel
    public String text;
    public Boolean isSelected;

    public MyDataModel(String text, Boolean isSelected)
        this.text = text;
        this.isSelected = isSelected;

I invoke this by calling:

    MyDataModel dataModel = new MyDataModel(text, null);

I thought that

android:drawableRight="@{(dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) ?? @drawable/not_specified } 

is effectively the same as:

android:drawableRight="@{dataModel.isSelected != null? (dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) : @drawable/not_specified }

However, I get the following exception at runtime:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()' on a null object reference

I'm wondering how I can overcome this error. Thanks!

(1) (dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) ?? @drawable/not_specified (dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) ?? @drawable/not_specified

is not the same as

(2) dataModel.isSelected != null ? (dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) : @drawable/not_specified dataModel.isSelected != null ? (dataModel.isSelected ? @drawable/selected : @drawable/not_selected) : @drawable/not_specified

In the first expression, you get the error because operator ?: calls dataModel.isSelected.booleanValue() implicitly on a null pointer.

Anyway, I believe there's no way you can use the null coalescing operator in the case, so I would just use the second expression.

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