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“OpenSSL: NOT OK” after roundcube installation

I am trying to install roundcube on localhost and I am getting the error


The php.ini has "extension=php_openssl.dll" enabled without the ";"

what could possibly be wrong here?

Make sure that php_openssl is enabled within the Apache-PHP environment.

There are 2 php.ini files in WAMPServer for each version of PHP you have installed.

To make sure you are editing the one that controls the Apache-PHP environment use the wampmanager menus.


(left click) wampmanager -> PHP -> php.ini

and edit the php.ini file that is loaded into your editor directly

Or using the menus again, you can turn PHP extensions on and off directly from the menu and this will guarantee you are editing the correct php.ini file



Now all you do is click the extension name. If it is ticked it is already activated. When you click the line for an extension, it will activate the extension or deactivate it ie toggle its active state

Oh the php.ini file you find in wamp\\bin\\php\\php{version}\\php.ini effects only the PHP CLI ie PHP when run from the command line. So if you are using anything like composer which uses a lot of command line tools, you would make sure that the extensions you wanted to use were activated in this version of the php.ini

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