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Mocking JPA repository in Spock integration tests

Spring seems to load beans randomly in my test context.

I have following repository classes for User :

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

    User findOneByExternalId(Long externalId);

    Optional<User> findOneById(Long id);


and it's test equivalent:

@Repository(value = "userRepository")
public interface TestUserRepository extends UserRepository {


    default User findOneByExternalId(Long externalId) {
        return getTestUser(externalId);

    default Optional<User> findOneById(Long id) {
        return ofNullable(getTestUser(id));

    default User getTestUser(Long id) {
        if (TEST_CORRECT_USER_ID.equals(id)) {
            User user = new User();
            return user;
        else {
            return null;


and two more for Device :

public interface DeviceRepository extends JpaRepository<Device, Long> {

    Optional<Device> findOneByDeviceId(String deviceId);

    Optional<Device> findOneByDeviceIdAndToken(String deviceId, String token);


test equivalent:

@Repository(value = "deviceRepository")
public interface TestDeviceRepository extends DeviceRepository {

    default <S extends Device> S save(S device) {
        return device;


the test below is passing for the UserRepository , but not for the DeviceRepository :

@SpringBootTest(classes = Application)
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [TestDeviceRepository, TestUserRepository])
class IntegrationContextSpecTest extends Specification {

    ApplicationContext applicationContext

    @Unroll("Bean #bean should be instance of #clazz")
    def "should initialize test beans instead of normal beans"() {

        bean             | clazz
        UserRepository   | TestUserRepository
        DeviceRepository | TestDeviceRepository


What might be the cause of it? I iterated over applicationContext contents and it clearly says that my UserRepository bean have a name userRepository and my DeviceRepository have a name deviceRepository .

Here's the output from test:

Condition not satisfied:

|     |                |                  |       |     |
|     false            |                  |       |     class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy143
|                      |                  |       interface com.example.repository.DeviceRepository
|                      |                  org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support.SimpleJpaRepository@10e4cf09
|                      org.springframework.web.context.support.GenericWebApplicationContext@7dc51783: startup date [Sun Nov 27 22:09:16 CET 2016]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@56aaaecd
interface com.example.test.integration.mock.TestDeviceRepository

The simplest solutions are sometimes the most difficult to think of. I admit that I was overthinking the problem too much.

All I had to do is use @Profile annotation like:

public interface DeviceRepository extends JpaRepository<Device, Long> { 
    /* ... implementation... */ 

and in the test class

public interface TestDeviceRepository extends DeviceRepository { 
    /* ... implementation... */ 

And now all my tests are passing!

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