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Bookshelf(knex) - belongsToMany relation not working

I have been trying to setup a relation between Posts and Tags using belongsToMany relation (Bookshelf). Here is my code:


const Post = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'posts',
    hasTimestamps: true,
    tags: function(){
        return this.belongsToMany(Tag)

const Tag = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'tags',
    posts: function(){
        return this.belongsToMany(Post)

// Pivot table
const PostTag = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'posts_tags',
    post: function(){
        return this.belongsTo(Post)
    tag: function(){
        return this.belongsTo(Tag)


Get route is:

.get('/:id', (req, res, next) => {
            .where('id', req.params.id)
            .fetch({widthRelated: ['tags'], require:true})
            .then((data)=> {
                return res.json({data, ralation: data.related('tags').toJSON()})

I have already added a table 'posts_tags' in database and all the database is seeded including this pivot table. So when I query in route, the relationship query does not even initiate. knex debug: sql: 'select posts .* from posts where id = ? limit ?'


posts - id title text created_at updated_at

tags - id name created_at updated_at

posts_tags - id post_id tag_id created_at updated_at

Is there any mistake(s) in code?

Sorry for this Post - I had just the typo:

.fetch({widthRelated: ['tags'], require:true})

widthRelated = withRelated!!!!!!

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