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PHP - Put variables with a prefix into array

Is there any way of putting variables into an array? I'm not really sure how else to explain it.

I'm developing a website that works with a game server. The game exports a file which contains variables such as:

$RL_PlayerScore_CurrentTrail_14911 = "lasergold";
$RL_PlayerScore_HasTrail_14911_LaserGold = 1;
$RL_PlayerScore_Money_14911 = 2148;

I'd like to convert these into an array like

$data = array(
'CurrentTrail_14911' => 'lasergold'
'HasTrail_14911_LaserGold' => '1'
'Money_14911' => '2184'

Is there any way I could do this? Thanks in advance

Include file in scope and then get array of defined vars, excluding globals you don't need.


$data = get_defined_vars();
$data = array_diff_key($data, array(
  'GLOBALS' => 1, 
  '_FILES' => 1, 
  '_COOKIE' => 1, 
  '_POST' => 1, 
  '_GET' => 1, 
  '_SERVER' => 1, 
  '_ENV' => 1, 
  'ignore' => 1 )

You can return an array with all your declared variables , and loop through them cutting off the desired piece of text. You could do something like this:

//echo your generated file here;
$generatedVars = get_defined_vars();
$convertedArray = array();
foreach($generatedVars as $key=>$var)
  $key = str_replace("RL_PlayerScore_","",$key);
  $convertedArray[$key] = $var;

If all game variables are going to begin with 'RL_PlayerScore_', you could use something like that :

$vars = [];

foreach($GLOBALS as $var => $value) {
    if(strpos($var, 'RL_PlayerScore_') === 0) {
        $vars[$var] = $value;

$vars will be filled by all your variables.

See @Dagon comment also.

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