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Why does my print method fail to print out the binary search tree inorder?

When I call print method in the main method, it prints nothing on the console. I am trying to make a binary search tree in alphabetical order. Why is it that? Are my insert method and add method correct? Or, is it something wrong with the print method?

public class Node
    String value;
    Node leftChild;
    Node rightChild;

    Node(String val,Node left, Node right)
        value = val;
        leftChild = left;
        rightChild = right;

    Node(String val)
        value = val;
        leftChild = null;
        rightChild = null;


public class binarySearchTree
    Node root;

        root = null;

    public Node search(String element)
        Node current = root;
        while (element.compareTo(current.value) != 0 )
            if(current == null)
                return null;
                if(element.compareTo(current.value) < 0)
                    current = current.leftChild;
                current = current.rightChild;
        return current;

    public Node add(String element, Node bstree)

        if(bstree == null)
            return new Node(element);
        else if(element.compareTo(bstree.value) < 0)
            bstree.leftChild = add(element, bstree.leftChild);
            bstree.rightChild = add(element, bstree.rightChild);

        return bstree;

    public void insert(String element)

    public void print(Node bstree)
        if(bstree != null)
            System.out.print(bstree.value + " ");

public class testing
    public static void main(String[] agrs)
        binarySearchTree tree = new binarySearchTree();

You are not accounting for the possibility that you might be adding to an empty tree, in which case you need to set the root node specifically:

public Node add(String element, Node bstree)
    if (root == null)
        root = new Node(element);
        return root;

    if (bstree == null)
        return new Node(element);
    else if (element.compareTo(bstree.value) < 0)
        bstree.leftChild = add(element, bstree.leftChild);
        bstree.rightChild = add(element, bstree.rightChild);

    return bstree;

I'm not sure this is solution you need, but I know why you can't print all elements. Look at your contructor, you have created a BinaryTree with root element always is null. At the first time when you insert new element, function Node add(String element, Node bstree) was called and returned new Node() . Why you don't assign the new Node to current Btree because Btree still null ?. We have a couple of solution to fix it. It's my opinion :

  1. Create new contructor :

    public BinarySearchTree(Node root) { this.root = root; }

  2. I change main function look like :

    BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree(new Node("apple"));

P/s : I have created a BTree ( not the same your BTree) . You can see here : BST-Level-Order-Traversal

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