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Using custom fonts without install win8.1 WPF APP

My WPF win APP is using following code and it works alright when font is already installed.

Button infoButton = new Button();
infoButton.Content = new FontIcon
    FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets"),
    Glyph = "",
    Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.WhiteSmoke)

I want to use custom font without installing it on windows. I've included all relevant font files within my solution (build action set as content). How can I use that with above code? I know how to use it in XAML but I'm want to do it in C#.

I have used the below link to use new Font in the WPF application which is not installed in the system - It worked:

< http://www.bizicbojan.com/post/2011/01/19/Embedding-and-Referencing-Fonts-in-your-WPF-application.aspx >

I have used FontFamily in the control as below.

FontFamily="/HPID.KioskUIControls;component/Fonts/#Segoe MDL2 Assets".

The font file is available in Fonts folder for me.

May be this will help you too.


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