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Facebook Marketing API - Get Page ID by Account without Ads

I'm trying to automate Ad and Creative creation across a number of accounts. Some of these accounts will be empty, with no existing Campaigns/AdSets/Ads/Creatives.

With a given ad_account_id , is there any way pull all associated page_ids ?

If not, is there any way to pull all page_ids associated with my user?

In the UI I have 79 page options when I create an ad, but when I try to get_pages() , nothing is returned:

In [11]: me = objects.AdUser(fbid='me')
In [12]: pages = me.get_pages()
In [13]: len(pages)
Out[13]: 0

Both Ad Accounts and Pages are associated with a person (or a System User). You can create ads for any Page in any of your Ad Accounts.

To list all the Pages associated with your user_id, you need manage_pages permission in your token. That's probably what you're missing. You can try it on Graph Explorer: me?fields=accounts

For more info, check: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/accounts/

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