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Python cx_Freeze error “No module named 'cx_Freeze.util'

I am running a very simple code to test cx_Freeze module but when running appears the error above. I am using Python 3.5 and the new version (5.0) of cx_Freeze.

CODE: Calling cx_Freeze: from cx_Freeze import setup Executable setup( name = "Prueba", version = "0.1", description = "My application!" executables = [Executable("pruebas.py")])

pruebas.py: text='Hello' print(text)


there is 2 type cx_freeze installation package: amd64 or win32 Make sure that what you have is the good version. I firstly installed the version amd64,but apperently my python version is 32bits. So i met the same pb as yours. Try another one, maybe you can success.

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