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import xml to oracle database table

I have this sample xml my requirement is to parse it and fetch values from it's various nodes and insert them into one of oracle table.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

How can we do this? Please help.


For example:

WITH my_data AS
(SELECT xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
</Reporting>') my_xml
  FROM dual)
SELECT extractValue(md.my_xml, 'Reporting/Selection/text()') selection_id,
       extractValue(value(port_ids), 'Port_id/text()') port_id
  FROM my_data md,
       TABLE(XMLSequence (md.my_xml.extract ('Reporting/Request/Port_id_list/Port_id'))) port_ids;

If your XML has node with children create one-to-many with TABLE and XMLSequence.

You should preferably use XMLTABLE as the extractValue was deprecate d

Here an example selecting teh ports with the (denormalized) parten attributes. I added also posr sequence to preserve order of the ports.

(SELECT xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
</Reporting>')  xml
  FROM dual)
x.Selection,x.MonthEndDate,x.emailName, x.emailAddress,
o.port_seq, o.port_id 
from t,   
          'for $i in /Reporting     
           return $i'
          passing t.xml 
                 Selection varchar2(30) path 'Selection',
                 MonthEndDate varchar2(30) path 'MonthEndDate',
                 emailName varchar2(30) path 'Email/Name',
                 emailAddress varchar2(30) path 'Email/Address',
                 Port_id_list XMLType path '//Port_id'
                  ) x,
          passing  (x.Port_id_list)
                port_seq for ordinality,
                port_id varchar2(30) path '/Port_id' 
                  ) o                   

SELECTION                      MONTHENDDATE                   EMAILNAME                      EMAILADDRESS                     PORT_SEQ PORT_ID                      
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------
69                             9/30/2016                      abc                            abc@gmail.com                           1 1901                           
69                             9/30/2016                      abc                            abc@gmail.com                           2 1902                           
69                             9/30/2016                      abc                            abc@gmail.com                           3 1903   

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