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Doubly Linked List using tail recursion

I am working on trying to make my doubly linked list use tail recursion.

public class DoublyLinkedList
    private int noOfItems;
    private DLLNode head;
    private DLLNode tail;
  // Default constructor
  public DoublyLinkedList()
     head = null;
     tail = null;
     this.noOfItems = 0;


public void AddItem(String value)
   DLLNode newNode = new DLLNode(value);

   if (head == null)
       head = newNode;
   else {
       DLLNode current = head;

       while(current != null) {
           if (current.GetNextNode() == null) {

           current = current.GetNextNode();



My Node class is as follows:

public class DLLNode
    private DLLNode previous;
    public DLLNode next;
    private String value;

    public DLLNode(String value)
        this.value = value;
  /* This method returns the String item of data held in this node */
  public String GetDataItem()
    return value;

  public void setDataItem()
      this.value = value;

  /* This method returns the node immediately prior to this node in the list or
   * null if there is no such node */
  public DLLNode GetPreviousNode()
    return previous;

  public void setPrevious(DLLNode previous)
      this.previous = previous;

  /* This method returns the node immediately after this node in the list or null
   * if there is no such node. */
  public DLLNode GetNextNode()
    return next;

  public void setNextNode(DLLNode next)
      this.next = next;

   public void AddItem(String value)
       if (next == null)
           next = new DLLNode(value);


This is the code I have for my Add Item. I have also attempted to make this use tail recursion which is the code shown below:

 public void AddItem(String value)
       if (head == null)
           head = new DLLNode(value);
       else {



The recursive version I have written works. However it isn't doubly linked.

I understand that for it to be a doubly linked list a node needs to know what comes next and what has come before it. So in my Add Item do I need something to let the next node know what has come before it? If so any advice on how to do this?

Thanks in Advance.

Using hypothetical Node class of my own -- you can adapt this to your DLLNode :

void addItem(Node head, Node item) {
     if(node.next == null) {
          // Stopping condition
          node.next = item;
          item.previous = node;
     } else {
          // Recurse
          addItem(node.next, item);

Alternatively, a bit more OO, assuming this code is part of Node , just replace head with this , and you need fewer method parameters:

void addItem(Node item) {
     if(this.next == null) {
          // Stopping condition
          this.next = item;
          item.previous = this;
     } else {
          // Recurse

Or if you don't want to be passed a Node , instead creating one:

public void addItem(String value) {
     if(this.next == null) {
          // Stopping condition
          Node newNode = new Node(value, this, null);
          this.next = newNode;
     } else {
          // Recurse

This assumes a constructor:

public Node(String value, Node previous, Node next) {
     this.value = value;
     this.previous = previous;
     this.next = next;

I think this shows the basics neatly. You can improve it by using getters/setters, etc.

I've given you methods for a Node , but you have a DoublyLinkedList class that wraps around it. It's quite common for a list class to be quite a thin wrapper around methods on the nodes:

 public class DoublyLinkedList {
       private Node head;

       public addItem(String value) {

(You will need to deal with the situation where head is null, too. I've left that out for brevity)

Note that in Java, this recursive solution isn't ideal, since the language doesn't optimise tail recursion, and for a long list you'll get a stack overflow. The iterative solution doesn't consume stack.

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