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How to make maven-javadoc-plugin generate multiple jars?

I have a multi-module project. In the parent pom (which is not the aggregator POM), I'm using maven-javadoc-plugin . It has two executions, both in the package phase, one for the jar goal, and one for the aggregate-jar goal.

This nicely generates a full aggregate Javadoc jar of all the (non-test) classes in the build.

What I need to be able to do is generate TWO Javadoc jars, one exactly as it's generating now, but another that covers a limited set of modules, and possibly excludes particular packages or classes.

I thought perhaps that this would require adding TWO "execution" elements, both for the "aggregate-jar" task, but with different configuration values. This didn't appear to do anything. It just generated a single Javadoc tree, for "all" the classes. How do I get this done?

This was my attempt to make this happen:


Probably you are missing an important part there in the <configuration> and ie <classifier>

What is the purpose of Classifier tag in maven?

So your execution phases shall work just fine


Source - Ant to Maven - multiple build targets answer from @Tim O'Brien

Useful Insights - Maven JAR plugin

Disclaimer - Why-you-shouldnt?

Edit1 - Noticed further from comments that your pom is an aggregator pom.xml in which case would suggest you use -


and also keep a point of specifying different <destDir> for different executions to confirm looking at the different outputs.

Edit2 - To clarify more using an example. What worked for me here was editing the parent modules pom.xml to include the below stated. Executing mvn clean install generates two different /target folder for this change using different configuration specified in the executions -

                    <!--This shall generate the package inside the /target folder of parent module-->
                    <!--This shall generate the /target on project.basedir of your project-->
                        <!--Notice the package in this /target would not include following packages-->

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