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Fibonacci Stack program in Java. Infinite loop

I'm trying to make a fibonacci number calculator that does not use recursion in Java. However when I run the program it generates an infinite loop. I have put in many print statements to try and debug it but honestly i'm not even too sure how Stack is supposed to work. Here are my two classes:

package fibNumbers.fibStack;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

* A utility class containing methods to compute Fibonacci numbers.
* @author EECS2030 Fall 2016-17
public class Fibonacci {

private Fibonacci() {
    // empty by design

private static Map<Integer, BigInteger> cache = new HashMap<Integer,  BigInteger>();

 * Memoized recursive implementation for computing Fibonacci numbers.
 * This method will fail for modest values of n because of limits
 * on the size of the call stack memory.
 * @param n which Fibonacci number to compute 
 * @return the value of F(n)
public static BigInteger fib(int n) {
BigInteger sum = null;
if (n == 0) {
  sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
else if (n == 1) {
  sum = BigInteger.ONE;
else if (cache.containsKey(n)) {
  sum = cache.get(n); 
else {
  BigInteger fMinus1 = Fibonacci.fib(n - 1);
  BigInteger fMinus2 = Fibonacci.fib(n - 2);
  sum = fMinus1.add(fMinus2);
  cache.put(n, sum);
return sum;

 * Memoized iterative implementation for computing Fibonacci numbers
 * using an explicit call stack and simulated stack frames.
 * @param n which Fibonacci number to compute 
 * @return the value of F(n)
public static BigInteger fib2(int n) {
Stack<FibonacciStackFrame> callStack = new Stack<FibonacciStackFrame>();

FibonacciStackFrame f = new FibonacciStackFrame(n, null);
while (!callStack.isEmpty()) {
  f = callStack.peek();
  System.out.println("Finished execution, starting loop again.");
return f.getReturnValue();

public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("F(10000) = " + Fibonacci.fib2(10000));


And my stack frame class. I put in an exception after the iteration runs for 30 times because otherwise it would never stop.

package fibNumbers.fibStack;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

 * A stack frame for computing Fibonacci numbers.
 * @author EECS2030 Fall 2016-17
public class FibonacciStackFrame {

private static Map<Integer, BigInteger> cache = new HashMap<Integer, BigInteger>();
private int n;
private FibonacciStackFrame caller;
private boolean fMinus1Computed;
private boolean fMinus2Computed;
private BigInteger fMinus1;
private BigInteger fMinus2;
private BigInteger sum;
public static int timesExecuted = 0;

 * Creates a stack frame to compute F(n). <code>caller</code> is a reference
 * to the <code>FibonacciStackFrame</code> that created this stack frame. If
 * this stack frame is not being created by another
 * <code>FibonacciStackFrame</code> instance, then <code>caller</code> is
 * expected to be equal to <code>null</code>.
 * @param n
 *            the Fibonccci number to compute
 * @param caller
 *            the <code>FibonacciStackFrame</code> that created this stack
 *            frame
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if n is less than 0
public FibonacciStackFrame(int n, FibonacciStackFrame caller) {
    if (n < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must != ZERO");

    this.n = n;
    this.caller = caller;
    this.fMinus1 = BigInteger.ZERO;
    this.fMinus1Computed = false;
    this.fMinus2 = BigInteger.ZERO;
    this.fMinus2Computed = false;
    this.sum = BigInteger.ZERO;

 * Receive a return value from another <code>FibonacciStackFrame</code>
 * instance.
 * <p>
 * This method is used to simulate Lines 16 and 17 of the fib(int) method
 * described in the lab web page. This method needs to figure out if it is
 * simulating Line 16 or Line 17; continue reading for details.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If this.fMinus1Computed is false, then this method should set
 * this.fMinus1 to <code>retVal</code> (simulating Line 16), and set
 * this.fMinus1Computed to true.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If this.fMinus1Computed is true, and this.fMinus2Computed is false, then
 * this method should set this.fMinus2 to <code>retVal</code> (simulating
 * Line 17), and set this.fMinus2Computed to true..
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If both this.fMinus1Computed and this.fMinus2Computed are true then you
 * have done something wrong elsewhere in the class, and you should throw an
 * IllegalStateException.
 * </p>
 * @param retVal
 *            the value of F(n - 1) or F(n - 2) returned from another
 *            <code>FibonacciStackFrame</code> instance
 * @throws IllegalStateException
 *             if this stack frame has already received values for both F(n
 *             - 1) and F(n - 2)
public void receiveReturnValue(BigInteger retVal) {
    System.out.println("...Now at top of this.recieveReturnValue");
    if (this.fMinus1Computed == false) {
        System.out.println("...Computing fMinus1, setting to true");
        this.fMinus1 = retVal;
        this.fMinus1Computed = true;
    } else if ((this.fMinus1Computed == true) && (this.fMinus2Computed == false)) {
        this.fMinus2 = retVal;
        this.fMinus2Computed = true;
    } else if ((this.fMinus1Computed == true) && (this.fMinus2Computed == true)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("BOTH both F(n - 1) and F(n - 2), stack frames have recieved values");

 * Returns the value of F(this.n) back to the caller. This simulates Line 21
 * of the fib(int) method described in the lab web page.
 * <p>
 * If the caller is equal to null, then you should simply pop the call
 * stack. Otherwise, you should have the caller invoke
 * <code>receiveReturnValue</code> to accept the value of F(n), which can be
 * obtained from the method <code>getReturnValue</code>, and then pop the
 * call stack.
 * @param callStack
 *            the call stack
public void returnValueToCaller(Stack<FibonacciStackFrame> callStack) {
    if (this.caller == null) {
        System.out.println("current caller is null");
        this.caller = callStack.pop();
    } else {
        System.out.println("Caller != null");
        System.out.println("getReturnValue yields: "+this.getReturnValue());
        this.caller = callStack.pop();
        System.out.println("The call stack has been popped");


 * Start or resume execution of this stack frame. This method is expected to
 * be invoked when this stack frame is on top of the call stack. When this
 * method is invoked, this stack frame can be in one of six possible states:
 * <ol>
 * <li>this stack frame is computing F(0), in which case the value 0 can be
 * returned to the caller
 * <li>this stack frame is computing F(1), in which case the value 1 can be
 * returned to the caller
 * <li>this stack frame is computing F(n) and F(n) is in the cache, in which
 * case the value F(n) can be retrieved from the cache and returned to the
 * caller
 * <li>this stack frame is computing F(n - 1), in which case this stack
 * frame should push a new stack frame onto the call stack to compute F(n -
 * 1) passing <code>this</code> as the caller of the new stack frame, and
 * then return from this method
 * <li>this stack frame is computing F(n - 2), in which case this stack
 * frame should push a new stack frame onto the call stack to compute F(n -
 * 2) passing <code>this</code> as the caller of the new stack frame, and
 * then return from this method
 * <li>this stack frame is computing the sum F(n - 1) + F(n - 2), in which
 * case this stack frame should compute the sum, put the sum in the cache,
 * and return the value of the sum to the caller
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * You should write an if-else-if statement that covers the 6 cases
 * described above.
 * </p>
 * @param callStack
 *            the call stack that this frame is on top of
public void execute(Stack<FibonacciStackFrame> callStack) {
    System.out.println("New Frame *** *** *** ***");

    timesExecuted ++;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("***Stack overflow, infinite loop occuring***");
    System.out.println("currentFrame.n ="+this.getN());
    if (this.getN() == 0) {
        System.out.println("Execution #" + timesExecuted);
    } else if (this.getN() == 1) {
        System.out.println("running through case n==1");
    } else if (cache.containsKey(this.getN())) {
    } else if (!getfMinus1Computed()) {
        System.out.println("***Computing fMinus1");
        System.out.println("n at this point: "+this.getN());
        callStack.push(new FibonacciStackFrame(this.getN() - 1, this));
    } else if (!getfMinus2Computed()) {
        System.out.println("*^*Computing fMinus2");
        callStack.push(new FibonacciStackFrame(this.getN() - 2,this));
    } else {
        cache.put(this.getN(), this.getReturnValue());
        System.out.println(cache.get(this.getN())+"End case");



 * Get the return value (F(n)) from this stack frame. The return value is
 * just this.sum (which is equal to F(n-1) + F(n-2) when this frame has
 * finished all of its work).
 * <p>
 * If you call this method before the frame has finished all of its work
 * then you will get the wrong value for the sum.
 * @return the value of F(n)
public BigInteger getReturnValue() {
    return this.sum;

 * Get the cache of already computed Fibonacci numbers. This method is here
 * for debugging and testing purposes.
 * @return the cache of already computed Fibonacci numbers
public static Map<Integer, BigInteger> getCache() {
    return FibonacciStackFrame.cache;

 * Get the value of n. This method is here for debugging and testing
 * purposes.
 * @return the value of n
public int getN() {
    return this.n;

 * Get the creator of this call stack. This method is here for debugging and
 * testing purposes.
 * @return the creator of this call stack
public FibonacciStackFrame getCaller() {
    return this.caller;

 * Get the current value of fMinus1. This method is here for debugging and
 * testing purposes.
 * @return the current value of fMinus1
public BigInteger getfMinus1() {
    return this.fMinus1;

 * Get the current value of fMinus2. This method is here for debugging and
 * testing purposes.
 * @return the current value of fMinus2
public BigInteger getfMinus2() {
    return this.fMinus2;

 * Get the current value of fMinus1Computed. This method is here for
 * debugging and testing purposes.
 * @return the current value of fMinus1Computed
public boolean getfMinus1Computed() {
    return this.fMinus1Computed;

 * Get the current value of fMinus2Computed. This method is here for
 * debugging and testing purposes.
 * @return the current value of fMinus2Computed
public boolean getfMinus2Computed() {
    return this.fMinus2Computed;

 * Set the value of this.sum. This method is here for debugging and testing
 * purposes.
 * @param sum
 *            the new value for this.sum
public void setSum(BigInteger sum) {
    this.sum = sum;


When I ran my tests, I noticed no matter what number I put into the fib2(int), It would get stuck on a loop of the value of n alternating between 1 and 2 and continue without end. I put ALOT of print statements so I could trace out what it was doing and so on but I think a major problem is I just don't understand exactly how the stack is working in junction with the cache and then returning a final value. I should also mention that I am building these classes off of frames given by my professor.

I guess this line is the problem:

f = callStack.peek()

peek just retrieves the value, but doesn't remove it from stack, so the stack will never get empty.I think you are trying to do this:

f = callStack.pop()

Check the documentation for more information

Based on the documentation I believe you made a minor error on a call.

 * Returns the value of F(this.n) back to the caller. This simulates Line 21
 * of the fib(int) method described in the lab web page.
 * <p>
 * If the caller is equal to null, then you should simply pop the call
 * stack. Otherwise, you should have the caller invoke
 * <code>receiveReturnValue</code> to accept the value of F(n), which can be
 * obtained from the method <code>getReturnValue</code>, and then pop the
 * call stack.
 * @param callStack
 *            the call stack

Otherwise, you should have the caller invoke receiveReturnValue to accept the value of F(n), which can be obtained from the method getReturnValue ...

And to achieve that you do:


But the documentation for that method says:

Receive a return value from another FibonacciStackFrame instance. (emphasis mine)

You're calling it on this frame though. I don't see where you actually return the value to any caller. I think it's supposed to be:


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