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How to add whitespace after each element created by ng-repeat

I'm trying to do equal distribution of elements from this question How to distribute li elements equally? I'm using angular with jade:

  li(ng-repeat="item in items") {{item.name}}

but ng-repeat don't create newlines after each elements and text-align: justify don't work. Is it possible to inject newline or space after each li in html returned by ng-repeat?


Use ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end :

  li(ng-repeat-start="step in workflow.data.steps", class="{{step.status|lowercase}}", ng-class="{selected: step.caption == workflow.data.step.caption}")
    //ng-style="{width: (100/(workflow.data.steps.length > 6 ? 6 : workflow.data.steps.length)) + '%'}"
      span.box {{step.caption}}
      span.status(ng-show="workflow.data.steps.loaded") {{step.status}}
      span.status(ng-hide="workflow.data.steps.loaded") ...

@Fissio solution almost work, I just need to add this css:

br {
  display: none;

and it work. Plunker

Just add

<li ng-repeat="your code">
<span ng-if="!$first || !$last"><br></span>{{item.name}}

if it is not a first and last item then it will not add "br" . otherwise it will add a break

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