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Using LAST_INSERT_ID() to insert newest id from one table to another

I know there are many questions about this topic. I read almost all of them, but I keep getting MySQL syntax errors. I'm using my WAMP server atm. I checked my MySQL version to be 5.7.9, so this should be ok.

I have this query:

INSERT INTO users (profile_pic, first_name, last_name, 
address, zip, city, phone, age, job, education, registration_date, email, pass) 
VALUES ('$final_profile_pic_file', '$first_name', '$last_name', '$address', '$zip', '$city', 
'$phone', '$age', '$job', '$education', NOW(), '$email', SHA1('$pass') ); 

INSERT INTO tickets (user_id, ticket_date) 

The first INSERT users works fine. I then want to put in the just created user id from the users table into the tickets table right away with LAST_INSERT_ID() . I also tried to put it as a variable and then use that variable as a value.

What am I doing wrong?

I needed to use @mysqli_multi_query instead of @mysqli_query . That solved the problem.

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