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Ghost doesn't work

I'm trying to use the example code from his own website and it does not work at all:

from ghost import Ghost
ghost = Ghost()

page, resources = ghost.open('http://google.com')

It's a quite simple example and this is the traceback :

AttributeError: 'Ghost' object has no attribute 'open'

I'm working with Python 2.7, I have already installed PySide 1.2.4 for 64bits and I'm working in a machine with Windows7


I have tried this :

import ghost
g = ghost.Ghost()
with g.start() as session:
     page, extra_resources = session.open("http://www.google.es")
     print page.http_status

And the traceback now is :

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'http_status' but if I use the same code without the

print page.http_status

It shows no error


Martijn Pieters give me this possible solution :

from ghost import Ghost, Session

ghost = Ghost()

ghost = Session(ghost)



This code works but the screenshot is empty and the object has a 'none' type

from ghost import Ghost
ghost = Ghost()

with ghost.start() as session:
    page, extra_resources = session.open("http://www.google.de")


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