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ASP.NET Core EF Code First appsettings.json

I'm looking for a method to switch dynamically between production and test environment.

I have two different connection strings to MSSQL databases. I want to dynamically pass this to my dbContext:

   services.AddDbContext<ViggrContext>(options =>

I have two types of publish profiles, one for Test and another for Production environment. In this profile I choose a connection to the database. Ofcourse the Test profile points to the TestDatabase connection string and the Production profile points to the Production Database. 在此输入图像描述

But how can I dynamically load the Startup.cs class in this section of the code?

   services.AddDbContext<ViggrContext>(options =>

Do you have any suggestions ?

You can configure different environment connection strings in different appsettings files like this-

For test environment, use appsettings. test .json

 "Data": {
    "ViggrContext": {
      "ConnectionString": "" /*<<== TestDatabase connection string */

For prod environment, use appsettings. prod .json

 "Data": {
    "ViggrContext": {
      "ConnectionString": "" /*<<== ProdDatabase connection string */

Use ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to set current environment as Test or Prod values.

In Startup, you can use like this-

     services.AddDbContext<ViggrContext>(options =>

See if this helps.

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