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How do I download a file from a signed URL from Amazon S3 to a client machine using PHP?

When a user clicks a link on the site, I'm trying to download a file from an Amazon S3 bucket with a signed URL through php. Here's what I have so far:

$client = S3Client::factory(
      'key' => 'xyz',
      'secret' => 'abc'

$signedUrl = $client->getObjectUrl(<bucket>, $location, '+10 minutes');

Now, how do I download the file using the above signed url to client machine?

Assuming that you are having problems only in fetching the url and have implemented api properly, this should work

$client = S3Client::factory(
      'key' => 'xyz',
      'secret' => 'abc'

$signedUrl = $client->getObjectUrl(<bucket>, $location, '+10 minutes');
file_put_contents($fileName, file_get_contents($signedUrl));

Now this puts the file on your server. In order to download to client there are a couple of methods. Let me try with the most simplest

header('Content-Type: application/csv'); // Change mime type
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=temp.csv'); // Change filename
header('Pragma: no-cache');
echo (file_get_contents($signedUrl));

This would rather than saving on server serve the output to client. Another alternative would be you send the url to javascript and download from client side.

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