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highchart How can I get width parent element for calculated x max in xAxis

How can I get width parent element or default chart element when I define the chart for calculated x max in xAxis ?

This is my expected code:

xAxis: {
    max: data.length < this.parent.width / 32 ? data.length - 1 : this.parent.width / 32,
    min: 0,
    categories: data,
    labels: {
        rotation: -40,
        style: {
            color: '#eb9123'

If you want to know what is the width of the div container where the chart belongs, then you can achieve it by chart.chartWidth . Also, you can update the axis on load event .

chart: {
      events: {
        load: function () {
          var width = this.chartWidth / 32,
              dataLen = this.series[0].data.length,
              max = dataLen < width ? dataLen - 1 : width;

            max: max

example: http://jsfiddle.net/91zbg0dx/

If you want to have that ability responsive, you have to do the same on redraw event .

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