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Conditional rendering error in react native

I have a problem when conditional rendering a component in react native. it shows me this error message:

JavascriptException: {"stack":"Error: failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope'

And here's an example of my code principe

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {

  customRender() {
    var x = true;
    if(x) {
        return (<View />);
    else return (<Text>False</Text>);


Guys i fixed the problem. First i disabled the Remote debugging, after that the error message changed and now it shows that i have a syntax error in the render method, precisely in the return, so i changed this:


to this


and now it works.

One problem could have nothing to do with the code, but it is a result of your application using the bundled JS-File in development mode. You should use the packager for the development and the normal bundled files for production usage. You can open the web browser with the "--allow-file-access-from-files" flag to use the bundled version in the development setting.

Another possible problem could be the self-closing View -Tag.

Check the packager log, it's likely that you have a syntax error somewhere in your code, probably something very simple like a missing comma. Run a linter on your code, it will help you find the error if the error message frmo the packager log isn't helpful.

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