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Flurry Error FlurryAgent: Ad server responded but sent no ad units

Hello Guys i am integrating Flurry ad network and trying to show test ads but it gives me following error

12-12 11:09:58.669 17082-17627/cpp.eminosoft.com.adserver E/FlurryAgent: Ad server responded but sent no ad units.
12-12 11:09:58.686 17082-17243/cpp.eminosoft.com.adserver E/FlurryAgent: AdRequest: url:https://ads.flurry.com/v16/getAds.do

This is my Code

 new FlurryAgent.Builder()
           // .withListener(flurryListener)
            .build(this, Keys.FlurryAPIkey);

    mFlurryAdInterstitial = new FlurryAdInterstitial(this, "TestNew");

    FlurryAdTargeting adTargeting = new FlurryAdTargeting();

     flurryAdInterstitialListener=new FlurryAdInterstitialListener() {
        public void onFetched(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Flurry Fetched",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        public void onRendered(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {


        public void onDisplay(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {


        public void onClose(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {

        public void onAppExit(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {


        public void onClicked(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {


        public void onVideoCompleted(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial) {


        public void onError(FlurryAdInterstitial flurryAdInterstitial, FlurryAdErrorType flurryAdErrorType, int i) {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Flurry not Fetched error",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    mBanner = (FrameLayout)findViewById(R.id.Flurry_banner);

    mFlurryAdBanner = new FlurryAdBanner(this, mBanner, mAdSpaceName);

    FlurryAdBannerListener bannerAdListener = new FlurryAdBannerListener() {
        public void onFetched(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {
        public void onError(FlurryAdBanner adBanner, FlurryAdErrorType adErrorType, int errorCode)
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Flurry Banner Failed To Load",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        public void onRendered(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        public void onShowFullscreen(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        public void onCloseFullscreen(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        public void onAppExit(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        public void onClicked(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        public void onVideoCompleted(FlurryAdBanner adBanner) {

        } };

and on button click i am trying to show interstetial and fetch again

    mFlurryAdInterstitial = new FlurryAdInterstitial(this, mAdSpaceName);
    FlurryAdTargeting adTargeting = new FlurryAdTargeting();

The Flurry session is initialized correctly

I already Looked This question but not helpful .How Do i get ads To Display ? Thanks in advance

This is not the problem from coding side, This problem occurs because there are no ads present at the current location ,try changing your phone VPN to US and see.The ads should start displaying. If you are still facing the problem you can mail the flurry support team at support@flurry.com .They helped us solving the problem.

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