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Error installing Django CMS

I'm very new to Django/Python. I just installed Django 1.8 yesterday. The client needs a Django CMS setup. I followed the necessary steps on the Django CMS website to install it on my Mac and it keeps erroring out:


The help guide talks about library dependencies. And I don't even understand the error well enough to know if that's the problem. I installed Pillow, not sure if that was necessary..

https://djangocms-installer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/libraries.html I don't understand what any of this means and if this is related. Do I need any of these libraries to make it work? None of those commands look like the install commands I'm used to.

Please try the following:

cd into the directory where you store all your projects

And now:

Create virtualenv

virtualenv my_new_project

Change to new virtualenv

cd my_new_project

Activate virtualenv

source bin/activate

Install djangocms-installer

pip install djangocms-installer

Setup a new django CMS site

djangocms my_new_site

I was able to finally figure this out. Even though I swear I did this initially, pretty much any step along the way had to be done with sudo. Not sure why, as there are no strange permissions set up on my computer. As a separate issue, I had to change the permissions of the sqlite db after it got all setup as well.

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