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trigger Event from iframe

I have two Webparts on a sharepoint site ... thats basicly like haveing two iframes . What I want to do is if there is a change at webpartA , I want to update WebpartB ... what I did so far is at WebpartA I try to trigger a custom event:

$("#datain").change(function () {
    parent.$("document").trigger("datachange" , [$("#datain").val()]);

At Webpart BI added a Eventlistener :

parent.$("document").on('datachange',function (event, data) {

When I change something at WebpartA , the event is triggered , but it never reaches the event listener at WebpartB. Is there something wrong with my code or is it just impossible to communicate between the two iframes with custom Events ?

Thank you for your help.

fixxed the problem by changeing "document" to "body" so Webpart A is :

$("#datain").change(function () {
    parent.$("body").trigger("datachange", [$("#datain").val()]);

and Webpart B is :

parent.$("body").on('datachange',function (event, data) {

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