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Trigger "click" event in iframe

Is it possible to trigger a click event in cross domain iframe with javascript or jquery?

    <div id='divA'>
        <button type='button' id='buttonA'>Button</button>
    <div id='divB'>
        <iframe name='random'>
            <div role='button' id='buttonB'></div>


Example : Trigger click event on div(#buttonB) when user click "buttonA"

You cannot detect click event in cross-domain iframe but one way is that you can detect focus on that iframe.

First click outside of iframe and then on iframe! You will see the alert.

 window.focus(); //force focus on the currenct window; window.addEventListener('blur', function(e){ if(document.activeElement == document.querySelector('iframe')) { alert('Focus Left Current Window and Moved to Iframe / Possible click!'); } });
 <iframe name='random'> <div role='button' id='buttonB'></div> </iframe>


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