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Unity3d 5.6 VR Cardboard application incorrectly displays on device

I've just installed Unity3d 5.6 and build application for Android with native VR support for Cardboard SDK (checking box Virtual Reality Supported and selecting Cardboard as VR SDK). App responds to movements of device, however, picture is not correctly takes only part of screen, what can cause that issue?

Built for Android 5.0, run on Android 5.1 Sony Z2, device is configured for cardboard viewer with Google Cardboard application, other VR games take all screen at expected.



As per advice on Unity forum I enabled Multithreded rendering , however it resulted in almost good, still not properly centered image flicked momentarely, then blank (lenses viewes disappeared).




As written in Unity forum here:


for VR for cardboard development it' better for now to stick to using Unity 5.4.2 with Google VR SDK 10.3.

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