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How to install a commercial version of “AmCharts” using npm

I am using AmCharts to build some charts for my app. I purchased the commercial version, but I'm unsure of how to install it using npm install .

On their docs they say: npm install amcharts/amcharts3 However, this installs the free version.

The only way I can figure out how to install the commercial version is by downloading it from my Account section on their website. But I want to manage my install through npm.

Does anyone know if there is some sort of key I should have that I can just "activate" the free version with? Or another way to install the commercial version through npm ?

There isn't a way to directly install the commercial version through npm. You'll need to contact AmCharts for instructions.

In this site informs to contact Support Center if you have purchase a Commercial Version.


From what gather, the commercial version is mostly of use if you want to modify source. Given that you are asking about using via npm I'd hazard a guess that is not what you want to do..

If you have purchased a license, and now simply want to remove the AmCharts branding:


amcore.addLicense("*license key*"); 

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