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How do I scrape the data from the Google Docs table on this web page?

I'm trying to use Python to scrape the data from the table on this web page.


I tried using requests and bs4. I get the raw HTML but it looks like the data is hidden. What should I be trying ?

That particular page is loading the data from a URL in an iFrame in this code:

<iframe id="pageswitcher-content" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_HY2XEBKcyi4STki-uUbOfr-su8CZOfpi-jM1Racwyw/pubhtml/sheet?headers=false&amp;gid=0" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>

You would need to further request the HTML from the URL in the src attribute at:


Then you could scrape the table with the class="waffle".

NOTE: Take care with the URL query parameters that come from the raw URL as in the example below.

For example the &amp; near the end must be converted to a single & character for the requests module to find the proper URL, eg

import requests

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