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PHP calculate age with DateTime::diff

How to calculate age with this formula or put this formula to my coding:

$birthday = "1992-05-22";

$biday = new DateTime($birthday);
$today = new DateTime();

$diff = $today->diff($biday);

echo "BIRTHDAY: ". date('d M Y', strtotime($birthday)) .'<br />';
echo "AGE: ". $diff->y ." YO";

If my new DateTime($birthday) I get from input method, here is my coding:

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
echo "<select name='date'>";
echo "<option selected='selected'>date</option>";
for($a=1; $a<=31; $a+=1)
    echo"<option value=$a> $a </option>";
echo "</select>";

echo "<select name='month'>";
echo "<option selected='selected'>month</option>";
for($c=0; $c<$jlh_bln; $c+=1)
    echo"<option value=$month[$c]> $month[$c] </option>";
echo "</select>";

echo "<select name='year'>";
echo "<option selected='selected'>year</option>";
for ($a=1990;$a<=$now;$a++)
    echo "<option value='$a'>$a</option>";
echo "</select>";
</p> <p>AGE :</label> <input type="text" name="age" id="age" value="(AGE HERE)" readonly></p>

And i want to display age on AGE text field without submit button.


                            $.post("calc_frete.php", { ----> send to page php
                                age: $("#fieldage").val() 
                            function(data, status) {
                                $("#freteValores").html(data); ---> Put in any field or DIV

a little of ajax

than, use ajax instead.... this is really some quick and dirty solution...so you should adapt and improve this..


$age = "";
$data = $_POST['birthday'];
    $birthday = $data['year'].'-'.$data['month'].'-'.$data['date'];
    $biday = new DateTime($birthday);
    $today = new DateTime();
    $diff = $today->diff($biday);
    $age = $diff->y;
echo $age;

//test.php (get sure your jquery is loaded....)


    $('#year').on("change", function(){

        birthday["date"] = $("#day").val();
        birthday["month"] = $("#month").val();
        birthday["year"] = $("#year").val();

               url: 'getBirthday.php',
               method: "POST",
               data: {birthday:birthday},
               error: function(error) {
               success: function(data) {


</p> <p>AGE :</label> <input type="text" name="age" id="age" value="<?=$age?>" readonly></p>

<form name="form1" method="post" action="#">    
    echo "<select name='date' id='day'>";
    echo "<option selected='selected'>date</option>";
    for($a=1; $a<=31; $a+=1)
        echo"<option value=$a> $a </option>";
    echo "</select>";

    echo "<select name='month' id='month'>";
    echo "<option selected='selected'>month</option>";
    $month=array(1=> "Januari",2 => "Februari", 3=> "Maret", 4=> "April", 5=> "Mei", 6=> "Juni", 7=>"Juli", 8=> "Agustus", 9=> "September", 10=>"Oktober",11=>"November",12=>"Desember");
    for($c=0; $c<count($month); $c++)
        echo "<option value=$c> $month[$c] </option>";
    echo "</select>";

    echo "<select name='year' id='year'>";
    echo "<option selected='selected'>year</option>";
    for ($a=1990;$a<=$now;$a++)
        echo "<option value='$a'>$a</option>";
    echo "</select>";


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