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How to edit summary.csv file after jmeter load run

After running my load test Jmeter generate result onto "summary.csv".
Some urls in this file looks like:

1482255989405,3359,POST ...users/G0356GM7QOITIMGA/...
1482255989479,3310,POST ...users/HRC50JG3T524N9RN/...
1482255989488,3354,POST ...users/54QEGZB54BEWOCJJ/...

Where "...users/G0356GM7QOITIMGA/..." - its URL column.
After that I try to generate jmeter-report using this command:

jmeter -g summary.csv -o report

Howewer this action throw Out of memory exception (because of many different URLs).
So I decide to edit summary.csv in tearDown Thread Group and replace all ID to "someID" string, using BeanShell Sampler :

import java.io.*;
import org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer;
 try {
        String sep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
        String summaryFileDirPath = FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + File.separator;
        String summaryFilePath = summaryFileDirPath + "summary.csv";
        log.info("read " + summaryFilePath);
        File file = new File(summaryFilePath);
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
        String line;
        String text = "";
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            text += line + sep;

        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(summaryFileDirPath + "summary.csv", false);
        writer.write(text.replaceAll("users/[A-Z0-9]*/", "users/EUCI/"));
    } catch (Exception e) {

summary.csv screen

Seems like Jmeter append some rows after tearDown Thread Group ends his work.
How can I edit summary.csv file after test run using only jmeter script?
PS: I need collect result only in summary.csv

There is a JMeter Property - jmeter.save.saveservice.autoflush , most probably you are suffering from its default value of false

# AutoFlush on each line written in XML or CSV output
# Setting this to true will result in less test results data loss in case of Crash
# but with impact on performances, particularly for intensive tests (low or no pauses)
# Since JMeter 2.10, this is false by default

You can override the value in at least 2 ways:

  1. Add the next line to user.properties file:

  2. Pass it to JMeter via -J command-line argument like:

     jmeter -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.autoflush=true -n -t .... 

See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide article for comprehensive information on JMeter Properties and ways of working with them

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