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“sudo su && somecommand” doesn't run somecommand

I have created a Jenkins job today, what it does is the Jenkins user should log into another server and run two commands seperated by && :

ssh -i /creds/jenkins jenkins@servername.com "sh -c 'sudo su && df'"

The loging part works fine, then it runs the sudo su command and becomes root but it never runs the second command (ie df ).

I even did this manually and from the Jenkins machine logged into the other server (servername). Then ran sh -c "sudo su && df" with no luck.

Can you please help?

Thanks in advance

If you are trying to run the df command as root, you should instead do sudo df .

This is because with sudo su && df , you are basically executing sudo su first and then df .

Also make sure, your jenkins user can be sudo without password.

sudo su启动第二个shell, && df sudo su shell成功退出之后,包含&& df的命令正等待在非root用户shell中执行。

This could be what you're looking for:

sh -c 'sudo su - root -c "df"'

Edit: please note that I don't normally use or advocate the use of sudo su - root -c type of constructions. However, I have seen rare cases in which a program doesn't work properly when called via sudo/gksudo , but does work properly when called via su/gksu -- in such cases, a given user should try to use sudo -i first , and if that does not work, one might have to resort to sudo su - root -c or similar, as a workaround of sorts to deal with a "misbehaving" program. Since the OP used some similar syntax on his post, I assumed that his case could be such a workaround case, so I maintained the sudo su - root -c type of structure on my answer.

when you did sudo su && df , sudo su will start a child process immediately without waiting for the && df part of the command to execute , when you hit Ctrl + D it exits the child process and enters the parent shell , that's when your && df will execute. You should do this using here strings, it might not be the best option but it works and it does not start a new child process

sh -c "sudo su" <<<df

note: don't surround <<< df with any quotes

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