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pyqt4 how to import and change custom font for painted text

I draw a text and question is how to import custom font (tff file in the same folder as script file) and change font. here is the code:

def paintEvent(self, e):
    painter = QtGui.QPainter(self)

    self.drawText(e, painter)

    super(SpeedPrg, self).paintEvent(e)

def drawText(self, event, qp):

    qp.drawText(event.rect(), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, str(self.setText))

You would use code like this:

# Load the font: 
font_db = QFontDatabase()
font_id = font_db.addApplicationFont("your_font.ttf")
# families = font_db.applicationFontFamilies(font_id)
your_ttf_font = QFont("one of your font families")

# tell painter to use your font: 

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