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Java Reflection - Get Fields From Sub Class as well as Super Class

I am using inherited bean classes for my project. Here some of super classes will be empty and sub class can have fields & some of sub classes will be empty and super class can have fields.

My requirement is to get all private / public fields from Sub class as well as to get all public / protected fields from Super class too.

Below I have tried to achieve it. But I failed to meet my requirement. Please provide some suggestion to achieve this one.

Field fields [] = obj.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields();

If I use above code, I can get only Super class fields

Field fields [] = obj.getClass().getFields();

If I use above code, I can get all fields from Sub class and super class fields

Field fields [] = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

If I use above code, I can get Sub class public and private all fields.

You will have to iterate over all the superclasses of your class, like this:

private List<Field> getInheritedPrivateFields(Class<?> type) {
    List<Field> result = new ArrayList<Field>();

    Class<?> i = type;
    while (i != null && i != Object.class) {
        Collections.addAll(result, i.getDeclaredFields());
        i = i.getSuperclass();

    return result;

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