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Error after clear the cache manually [symfony2]

I couldn't clear the cache with the command-line , so have decided to clear the cache manually, but when I refresh the page I have the following error:

RuntimeException in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Symfony\\vendor\\symfony\\symfony\\src\\Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\DebugClassLoader.php line 258: The autoloader expected class "Http\\Message\\Formatter" to be defined in file "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Symfony\\vendor\\composer/../php-http/message/src\\Formatter.php". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.

I have tried to run this command php app/console cache:warmup but still having the same error.

I just fix this issue by removing these two bundle in my composer.json :

  "egeloen/google-map-bundle": "dev-master",
    "php-http/httplug-bundle": "1.3.0",

and I run composer update

I think the problem came from php-http/httplug-bundle but I don't know why...

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