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Indy TIdTCPClient ConnectTimout not working

I have a TIdTCPClient which is trying to connect to a host which is not online.

After diving a bit deeper into WINSOCK2 it seems like this is indeed an issue which is depending on your operating system. Maybe there will be a fix in a future release. (See the comments of this question for more details)


  • Delphi 10 Seattle
  • Windows 7 64-Bit
  • Indy

The ConnectTimeout is set to 5000 ms so I would expect to get at least a ConnectTimeout after 5 seconds. However on my current machine it takes over 20 seconds to receive that Timeout.

So far I see that the ConnectionTimeout is handled correctly but on TIdIOHandlerStack.ConnectClient there is an WaitFor on the thread which performs the actual connection attempt. I think this is causing the delayed connection timeout, but I don't know what I could do about that. Any Ideas?


procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
    Self.idtcpclnt1.Host := '';
    Self.idtcpclnt1.Port := 9200;
  except on E: Exception do
    Self.mmo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(now)+ ' : '+E.Message);

procedure TForm1.idtcpclnt1Status(ASender: TObject; const AStatus: TIdStatus;
    const AStatusText: string);
  Self.mmo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(now)+ ' : ' +AStatusText);

Result of this code:


If the destination is a firewall and the firewall is enabled, you must disable the firewall.

Instead of disabling the firewall, you must open the appropriate ports. However, the risks are high .

Because it becomes more permeable .( Hack )

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