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Cypher query execution time with Neo4j java driver

I am trying to find out execution time of my Cypher query with java driver.

Session session = driver.session();
session.run( "CREATE (a:Person {name:'Arthur', title:'King'})" );
StatementResult result = session.run( "Profile MATCH (a:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Arthur' RETURN a.name AS name, a.title AS title" );

But I could not find it anywhere in the StatementResult or in the ResultSummary , which is returned by StatementResult.consume(query) .

I could access db hits from ProfiledPlan in ResultSummary but there is no information about time.

Is there any way I can access Cypher query execution time using neo4j java driver?

Since Neo4j Java driver version 1.1.0 there is:

 * The time it took the server to make the result available for consumption.
 * @param unit The unit of the duration.
 * @return The time it took for the server to have the result available in the provided time unit.
long resultAvailableAfter( TimeUnit unit );

 * The time it took the server to consume the result.
 * @param unit The unit of the duration.
 * @return The time it took for the server to consume the result in the provided time unit.
long resultConsumedAfter( TimeUnit unit );

It provides you with both times:

  1. Time till first byte
  2. Full execution time including consuming data from server

Methods are localted on org.neo4j.driver.v1.summary.ResultSummary interface.

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