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How to merge user options with default options using jQuery's extend() when options have a property array of objects

How to merge user option with default options using jQUery's extend() method when the options object has a property that has a value that is an array of objects


    var settings4 = $.extend({
      type: 'one-panel', // 'one-panel' | 'two-panel'
      sidebarTargets: [
          targetKey: 'sidebar-one',
          initialLoadPanelKey: 'panel1',
          emptyPanelMessage: '',
          sidebarWrapSelectorId: 'sidebar-container',
          sidebarPanelWrapTemplate: '<div class="sidebar-panel {panelInitialSlideCss}" id="{panelSelectorId}" data-panel-key="{panelKey}"></div>',
          showHeader: true,
          headerTemplate: '<div class="sidebar-header" id="sidebar-header">Header text</div>',
        // if sidebarSettings.type == one-panel, this is not required
          targetKey: 'sidebar-two',
          initialLoadPanelKey: 'none',
          emptyPanelMessage: '<span>No Notebooks Notes Found',
          sidebarWrapSelectorId: 'sidebar-container',
          sidebarPanelWrapTemplate: '<div class="sidebar-panel" id="{panelSelectorId}" data-panel-key="{panelKey}"></div>',
          showHeader: true,
          headerTemplate: '<div class="sidebar-header" id="sidebar-header">Header text</div>',
          targetKey: 'right-content-panel',
          selectorId: 'sidebar-container',
          cssClassLIst: 'content-panel content',
          showLoader: true, // when AJAX content is loaded, show a loader spinner
          loaderTemplate: '',
          initialInnerContent: '',
          targetKey: 'right-content-iframe-panel',
          selectorId: 'sidebar-container',
          cssClassLIst: 'content-panel content',
          iframeNameAttribute: 'content',
          template: '<iframe id="content-frame" src="default.html" name="content" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>',
    }, sidebarOptions);

The object property above sidebarTargets is the one in question. It can contain any number of objects in the array. How do I use jQuery's extend to merge options and handle a property like this?

I'm afraid you can't really do this using jQuery's extend function .

The extend will be able to extend objects you have, if you send true in your first argument . The problem is that you have Array s in your object, and the extend will not know what to do with those Arrays.

If you are able to change the code to objects, this will work great:

 var a = { a: ['a'], b: { 'c': 1 } } var b = { a: ['b'], b: { 'd': 2 } } $.extend(a, b) console.log('regular extend:') console.log(a); console.log('') var a = { a: ['a'], b: { 'c': 1 } } var b = { a: ['b'], b: { 'd': 2 } } $.extend(true, a, b) console.log('deep copy extend:') console.log(a); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

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