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Attempted XPath query not showing any results

I'm currently working on a fantasy sports site, and I want to be able to pull basic stats from another site. (I don't have much experience with XML or pulling data from other sites).

I inspected the element to gain it's XPath:


Which gave me: //*[@id="cp1_ctl01_pnlPlayerStats"]/table[1]/tbody/tr[4]/td[18]

I've looked into a couple methods of trying to pull the info and came up with this:


But I just end up with empty elements in my table within my site:


Here's My Code:

        $doc = new DOMDocument();

        $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);

        $elements = $xpath->query('//*  [@id="cp1_ctl01_pnlPlayerStats"]/table[1]/tbody/tr[4]/td[18]');

        if (!is_null($elements)) {
            foreach ($elements as $element) {
                $nodes = $element->childNodes;
                foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                    echo $node->nodeValue. "\n";

A few things I've tried have thrown me errors, and any time I finally get pass them or suppress them I get empty content. I've tried a bunch of different formats but none seem to give me the desired content.

Edit: Here's the source HTML, I want to grab the value within the td (13.0).


Edit 2: So this is what I'm trying now:

$html = file_get_contents($P_RotoLink);

$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXpath( $doc);

foreach ($xpath->query('//*[@id="cp1_ctl01_pnlPlayerStats"]/table//tr[4]/td[18]') as $node) {
                                        $ppg = substr($node->textContent,0,3);
                                        echo $ppg;


The problem is that the table in the screenshot doesn't have tbody node, but your XPath expression includes tbody which causes DOMXPath::query to return an empty list of nodes. I suggest ignoring tbody and fetching only rows with //tr .


$html = <<<'HTML'
<div id="cp1_ctl01_pnlPlayerStats">

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xp = new DOMXPath($doc);
$expr = '//*[@id="cp1_ctl01_pnlPlayerStats"]/table//tr[2]/td[1]/text()';
$td = $xp->query($expr);
if ($td->length) {


string(3) "1.0"

The text() function selects all text node children of the context node.

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