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PHP - Creating a Multidimensional Associative Array from a Single Dimensional Array

I have an array in php as follows:-

$arrEquip = array("None", "Bandolier", "Canteen", "Satchel");

What I want to output is the following:-

Bandolier; Canteen
Bandolier; Canteen; Satchel
Canteen; Satchel

Basically each array element needs to have every other array element listed out after it.

I thought that creating an associative multidimensional array would work. Doing a foreach loop which creates the initial keys and then running through the single array again for the values. But I don't know how to combine them all together.

The single array could have any number of elements in it.

EDIT: Sorry, forgot the php code

$arrEquip = array("None", "Bandolier", "Canteen", "Satchel");
$rowCount = count($arrEquip);
$keyVal = "";
$i = 0;

foreach ($arrEquip as $key) {
    $keyVal = "";
    if (strtoupper($key) !== "NONE") {
        for ($y = ($i + 1); $y < $rowCount; $y++) {
            $keyVal = $keyVal . $arrEquip[$y] . "; ";
    $arrOutput[$key] = $keyVal;

Output is:-

    [None] =>
    [Bandolier] => Canteen; Satchel;
    [Canteen] => Satchel;
    [Satchel] =>

EDIT2: Just realised my desired output is wrong. Should be:-

    [0] => None
    [1] => Bandolier
    [2] => Bandolier; Canteen
    [3] => Bandolier; Canteen; Satchel
    [4] => Bandolier; Satchel
    [5] => Canteen
    [6] => Canteen; Satchel
    [7] => Satchel

Sorry for the mix up.


A perfect solution (you have to re-index array in a proper manner now):-


$test = array("None", "Bandolier", "Canteen", "Satchel");

$return = uniqueCombination($test);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($return);

//Pretty Print
$final_arr = array_map(function($v){ return implode("; ", $v); }, $return);

foreach ($final_arr as $key=>$val){
    if(strpos($val,$test[0].'; ') === 0){
echo "<pre/>";print_r(array_values($final_arr));

function uniqueCombination($in, $minLength = 1, $max = 2000) {
    $count = count($in);
    $members = pow(2, $count);
    $return = array();
    for($i = 0; $i < $members; $i ++) {
        $b = sprintf("%0" . $count . "b", $i);
        $out = array();
        for($j = 0; $j < $count; $j ++) {
            $b{$j} == '1' and $out[] = $in[$j];

        count($out) >= $minLength && count($out) <= $max and $return[] = $out;
    return $return;

Output:- https://eval.in/708900

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