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TypeScript: Discriminated Unions with optional values

Given the following types:

interface FullName {
  fullName?: string

interface Name {
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

type Person = FullName | Name;

const p1: Person = {};
const p2: Person = { fullName: 'test' };
const p3: Person = { firstName: 'test' }; // Does not throw
const p4: Person = { badProp: true }; // Does throw, as badProp is not on FullName | Name;

I would expect p3 to result in a compiler error, as firstName is present without lastName , but it doesn't -- is this a bug or expected?

Additionally, making FullName.fullName required results in p3 (and p1 ) causing errors.

First of, your interface FullName does only contain one optional property, that is basically making it match anything. Then when you do a union type with it, the resulting type is going to be compatible with everything.

However , there is another concern considering declaring and assigning literal objects, and that is that you only can declare known properties: Why am I getting an error "Object literal may only specify known properties"?

So you could do this without any problem:

var test = { otherStuff: 23 };
const p4: Person = test;

But not this

const p4: Person = { otherStuff: 23 };

And in your case firstName is a known property of FullName | Name FullName | Name , so it's all ok.

And as @artem answered, discriminated unions have a special meaning in typescript, apart from regular unions, requiring special structural assumptions.

The type in your question is not, in usual sense, discriminated union - your union members don't have common, non-optional literal property called discriminant .

So, as @Alex noted in his answer, your union is somewhat similar to

type Person = {
  fullName?: string
  firstName?: string
  lastName?: string

so it can be initialized with { firstName: 'test' }

With true discriminated unions, you get back the logic for checking non-optional properties, as well as checking that object literal may only specify known properties:

interface FullName {
  kind: 'fullname';  
  fullName?: string

interface Name {
  kind: 'name';  
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

type Person = FullName | Name;

const p1: Person = {kind: 'fullname'};  // ok
const p2: Person = {kind: 'fullname', fullName: 'test' };  // ok

checking non-optional property:

const p3: Person = {kind: 'name', firstName: 'test' }; 


Type '{ kind: "name"; firstName: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
  Type '{ kind: "name"; firstName: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Name'.
    Property 'lastName' is missing in type '{ kind: "name"; firstName: string; }'.

checking extra property:

const p5: Person = { kind: 'fullname', bar: 42 }


Type '{ kind: "fullname"; bar: number; }' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'bar' does not exist in type 'Person'.

However , as @JeffMercado found out, type checking is still a bit off:

const p6: Person = { kind: 'fullname', firstName: 42 };  // no error. why?

I'd consider posting an issue for typescript github project.

2021 Update : The example in the question now works as intended.

Since at least TypeScript version 3.3.3 (the oldest version one can currently test on the TypeScript playground) you don't need a discriminant (ie a common, non-optional literal property).


interface FullName {
  fullName?: string

interface Name {
  firstName: string
  lastName: string

type Person = FullName | Name;

as in the question, the following example (marked as "Does not throw" by the person asking this question)

const p3: Person = { firstName: 'test' }; // Does not throw

now leads to this TypeScript error:

Property 'lastName' is missing in type '{ firstName: string; }' but required in type 'Name'.

And @artem was wondering why

const p6: Person = { kind: 'fullname', firstName: 42 };

would not throw an error in his example with the discriminant kind .

Well, since at last TypeScript version 3.3.3 it does throw an error, precisely the expected one:

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'firstName' does not exist in type 'FullName'.

See this TypeScript playground which includes both examples (with and without discriminated union).

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