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Private Bitbucket package dependency in R package


When creating a package, I can list CRAN dependencies in the Depends list in the DESCRIPTION file. This documentation outlines how to list Bitbucket dependencies, eg. Remotes: bitbucket::sulab/mygene.r@default .

However, I don't know how to do this when authentication is needed to access the repository.


I've tried putting the following code into the main packagename.R file. The function contents work fine as a snippet at the top of a standalone script:

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  otherPackageVersion <- "1.0"
  if (suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("otherPackageName", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)))) {
    if (installed.packages()[installed.packages()[,"Package"] == "otherPackageName", "Version"] != otherPackageVersion) {
      devtools::install_bitbucket(sprintf("bitbucketUser/otherPackageName@%s", otherPackageVersion), auth_token = Sys.getenv("BITBUCKET_PAT"))
  } else {
    devtools::install_bitbucket(sprintf("bitbucketUser/otherPackageName@%s", otherPackageVersion), auth_token = Sys.getenv("BITBUCKET_PAT"))

but R CMD check fails saying it cannot be loaded after hanging for a while:

checking whether package ‘packageName’ can be installed ... ERROR
Installation failed.

Further Detail

The version of devtools I have loaded is (see this Github thread ) which I installed using devtools::install_github("hadley/devtools#1220") . This allows me to install private Bitbucket R packages using an App Password stored in an environment variable, rather than committing my username/password in plaintext.

直到这个 (使用Bitbucket PAT的拉取请求)合并到devtools包中之前, 是不可能的。

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