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flask-restful : The requested URL was not found on the server

I am trying to follow the documentation of flask-restful and tried to run the following code.

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

todos = {}

class TodoSimple(Resource):
    def get(self, todo_id):
        return {todo_id: todos[todo_id]}

    def put(self, todo_id):
        todos[todo_id] = request.form['data']
        return {todo_id: todos[todo_id]}

api.add_resource(TodoSimple, '/<string:todo_id>')

if __name__ == '__main__':

But when I tried to run it with " " URL it responds with the message "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.". What am I doing wrong with the code. Please help.

The problem is in the way you are defining url route for your resource. Right now you are trying to access it via but you have defined TodoSimple to serve requests sent to . I would recommend to change the code to sth like below

api.add_resource(TodoSimple, '/todo/<int:todo_id>')

and then, try to access it via GET

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