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How to i put Node.js on my hosting website

I'm a little confused on how node.js works on web hosting servers.

Now i understand how it works when i download node.js on my computer, i run files and stuff and the node.js files are on my computer.

What i dont understand is how i run node.js on my web hosting server.

If node.js is a downloadable file, how do i get it to run on my server...

Do i just find the file on my computer that says node.js(or whatever its called) and upload that to my server?

Any clarification on how to run node.js on my server will help.


A server is just another computer somewhere running OS like Linux, Windows and others but at large scale. Now Node.js is automatically configured if your web hosting server is a shared server or free plan server like Heroku , an awesome web hosting company with great hosting plan.

You only get to install Node.js on a web hosting server if its a dedicated server like an Ubuntu Machine on Amazon or Digital Ocean . I don't think you should bother yourself much. If you want to move your Node.js app from localhost to a web server I encourage you to read heroku documentation or this scotch.io link . It is extremely simple.

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