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Monitoring JDBC connection pool

I sometimes get the following exception

SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object

While using play framework and scalikeJDBC to connect to a MariaDB instance

Googling around showed it can either be that connections aren't being properly closed or that I should configure my thread pool to be bigger

Now onto the actual question:

I'd like to investigate further but I need a way to monitor said connection thread pool, ideally in the form a graph of sorts, but how?

I have no idea how to configure JMX and MBeans for netty (Play uses netty, right?) or if it's possible at all and google is not helping. I don't even know if this would be the right approach so I'm giving a bounty sized ammount of points (or even more) to whoever can provide a sweet set of steps on how to proceed

A bit of googling lends me to think that scalikeJDBC use commons dbcp as the underlying connection pool.

More googling links back to Monitoring for Commons DBCP? , which proposes to monitor exactly what you want I believe !

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