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Search Dictionary Values in Ansible

Having a dictionary like this:

    hostname: 'server1.fakedomain.net'
    ip: ''
    port: '1515'
    hostname: 'server2.fakedomain.net'
    ip: ''
    port: '1514'
    hostname: 'server2.fakedomain.net'
    ip: ''
    port: '1515'

How would I search for all values in this dictionary in my when clause?

I can access variables using ossec_datacenter[ossec_dc]['hostname']

But I want so search all values to make sure no matches are present.

In other words I don't want the inventory_hostname nor the IP to be found anywhere in that data structure.

If you want to use json_query (requires ansible 2.2) you can do this to search ip and hostname:

    - name: find inventory_hostname
        found: True
        - "{{ ossec_datacenter | json_query('*.ip') }}"
        - "{{ ossec_datacenter | json_query('*.hostname') }}"
      when: "inventory_hostname == item"

or if you want to search any of the keys in the datacenters (ip, hostname, or port):

- name: find inventory_hostname
    found: True
  with_items: "{{ ossec_datacenter | json_query('*.*') }}"
  when: "inventory_hostname == item"

and then test the found var.

Here's a condition for hostname:

when: inventory_hostname not in (ossec_datacenter.values() | map(attribute='hostname') | list)

Use ansible_default_ipv4.address or some other fact about IP address and reduce your dict with map(attribute='ip') to search for IP addresses.

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